Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lunar Aurora - Hoagascht (2012)

I hope my absence has been duly noted, because I have been abroad in the great city of Montreal for the past week hanging out eating copious amounts of Poutine and smoked meat. I am minutes away from before boarding a shitty bus without the luxuries of wi-fi so I will give you guys Lunar Aurora's latest effort Hoagascht. I have yet to even listen to this yet, so I can offer you no words.



  1. The Swedish MetalheadMarch 5, 2012 at 7:42 AM

    Nice, had no idea they were gonna release a new album

  2. Aye I was on vacation. This album has had me salivating for months when I found out about its release. It's safe to say, it has pacified most of my cravings, though nothing compares to the song "Findling" still off of Andacht. fuck.


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