Thursday, December 6, 2012

Elysian Blaze - Blood Geometry (2012)

I've been a fan of Elysian Blaze ever since I bought Levitating The Carnal back in 2009 (it came out in 2006), I bought it on a whim thinking it was going to be a colossal heap of black metal from the land down under. Turns out I was right…

Elysian Blaze is a one man band from Australia that set out to display a hollow churning void of black metal with halting funeral doom pace and a lightly ambient overtone. It stands firmly between a minimalist approach with a very dreary vibe, its bleak energy belongs echoing in empty halls. It seems that all that is good is meant to be purged from the listener, an easy listen it is not. If you hearken its entirety, thy blackness is strong.

2012 sees Blood Geometry on a lot of year end list I presume. I almost forgot to mention, it's in two parts, spanning for over 2 hours… Of emotionally draining black metal. Good luck.

Blood Geometry (part I)
Blood Geometry (part II)


  1. Damn, I didn't even realize Elysian Blaze released an album this year. Many thanks, good sir!

    1. Yessir, a fucking colossal album at that. A year-end caliber no doubt!

  2. I'm listening to Sigils That Beckon Death. Almost 24 min.

  3. awesome blog...thanks for the heads up

  4. i listened to this some months ago and thought it was pretty awesome, my only gripe with it was the riffs ....they seemed kind of....well..boring....but the overall atmosphere and epic scope was great....gonna have to give it another go soon


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