Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Great Old Ones

The Great Old Ones, in the Cthulhu Mythos are known to be colossal extraterrestrial beings with interminable power, worshiped by deranged humanoid cults and non-humans progeny in the Mythos.
These cosmic beings have a physical form, but not of matter that we mere humans could fathom, their forms are built around principles similar to true matter so that they appear to be material in their nature.

The Great Old Ones, are also a black metal outfit from France. Heavily inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, these Frenchmen build their sound around colossal atmosphere and highly ethereal soundscapes barring similarities to Wolves In The Throne Room. It all sounds very promising, with a debut LP on its way this upcoming fall, you can find three pre-production songs to tide you over at this location...

Grab if you like: Valdur, Altar of Plagues, Wolves In The Throne Room

The Great Old Ones

The Great Old Facebook (Support these dudes and keep up to date.)


  1. I am digging that! Thanks for this one

  2. thank you for the review. we appreciate a lot your support. Your blog rocks!

  3. No problemo, make sure to send me a copy of that LP! Looking forward to it.

  4. Sounding good, I'll await the LP


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