Monday, April 23, 2012

Gone Backpacking...

To whom it may concern, I leave the comfort of Canada to backpack into the wilderness of Shenandoah national park in the state of Virginia. I will be gone the week, so go check out all the other better blogs to keep your shit together, and in the meantime listen to Nàttsòl.

If I get eaten by a bear, I give this blog to whomever comments first.


  1. The Swedish MetalheadApril 23, 2012 at 5:23 AM


  2. Fortunately I escaped peril, just barely though, encountered black bears left and right. I'll keep the blog ;)

  3. The Swedish MetalheadMay 2, 2012 at 3:28 AM

    Then you goddamn better bring me some new music

  4. Hardwang McDickschlongMay 3, 2012 at 9:29 PM

    Get your hand out of your pants and update us with preferably something ambient, black, and metal.

  5. Mr.Hardwang McDickschlong (ha) and Ser "'The Swedish Metalhead" I shall plan on resuming my daily posting within days, I'm just finishing up my move to Toronto, I have been dog shit busy as of late.

    I'm sorry, one love.

  6. Real life frolicking → the internet. Enjoy yourself!

  7. You dudes rule, I will make my return quite shortly in hopes to smash your ears into oblivion. If anything, I will need you guys to bring me back up to speed, I feel like I have missed out on a lot.

  8. Protip: Black Bears love the smell of soup beans and crackling bread. Make sure you cover the lid tightly whenever your near my neck of the woods again. Also, beware dumpsters at night, I'm speaking from experience bro.

  9. Also black bears are generally easily intimidated, if they threaten to charge, appear to be as large as possible, and as loud as possible. If it charges anyway, go for the face (eyes & nose)

    PS: I want more atmospheric folk metal

    - Tenhi


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