Friday, January 31, 2020

Fetid - Steeping Corporeal Mess (2019)

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This record to me stood out most last year, not to say it was my favourite release in 2019, but without a shadow of a doubt one of them anyway, it stood out for how swept under the rug this release was. Why? Erstwhile Blood Incantation and Tomb Mold lap up the hungry attention from hordes of mouth frothing neanderthals. Both those bands released great records, so thats cool, but what Fetid released was better wasn't it? Churning death metal that managed to dip its greasy paws into every primordial soup the genre has to offer with uncanny poise and precision, sounding like weathered vets rather than a three-piece releasing a debut album.

I can go on at length as to why this is such a good album, but rather than reading some carefully chosen adjectives that have been thrown around (here especially) a thousand times before I'll just say this in lieu of all that, if you have a penchant for death metal, listen to this and see why this monolithic albums towers over almost everything else. I've got to give credit to how good this whole album sounds too, drums are perfect. Immaculate even. Sounds so much heftier than the sum of its parts. Okay, I'm rambling and fumbling and my second coffee is starting to dance around in my soul and I'm starting to pass off my opinions as fact…

Fetid - Steeping Corporeal Mess (bandcamp)

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