Anytime a good band from Toronto (a city's pits I live in) comes to my attention, I wonder how it is I haven't even unintentionally caught one of their shows within the city, only to discover them in the wild undergrowth of the internet.
The Bats Pajamas is one example of a band from Toronto that have slipped under my scuzzy-punk smelling nostrils undetected for too long. Some time last year I was finally made aware of these dudes when I found the EP 'Just Ripe' on one of the many thankless blogs I frequent. I quickly rectified this problem by visiting the bands bandcamp page and downloaded the entire discography for free. Which is like pawning off your blood, sweat, tears, semen and time for nothing!
The Bats Pajamas have undergone changes in their sound throughout their releases, which can be looked at as either progression or regression depending on what side of the fence you'd rather stand on. I cut myself in half so I could stand on both sides of the fence because I like the old and the new. They definitely have traded some of their clean grooves for a more scuzzy, noise drenched garage rock/punk. Differences aside, everything they put out, crust and groove, is well executed and never betraying the DIY work-ethic and sound.
Fans of filthy garage rock/punk should check out everything. If you are in Toronto, check out their shows. If you are feeling particularly heavy in the wallet, spread some love and buy the new cassette on Fleeting Youth Records.
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The Bats Pajamas (Bandcamp)